International Mother Earth Day was established in 2009. It was introduced to the UN by the state of Bolivia, with the rationale that “the Earth and its ecosystems are our home,” and that “its necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth.”

Mother Earth Day

Mother Earth

Once the resolution for Mother Earth Day was passed the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales Ayma, said “Sixty years after adopting the [Universal Declaration of Human Rights], Mother Earth is now, finally, having her rights recognized.”

Not everyone finds Mother Earth Day significant, but when thinking about the interdependence between human beings, other living species and the planet president Morales’ statement seems very appropriate.

Here are two quotes for International Mother Earth Day:


“The earth is what we all have in common”

Louis J. Glickman


“Modern technology

owes ecology

an apology.”

Alan M. Eddison


Other Significant Days in April:

International Earth Day

World Health Day

Easter Sunday

International Children’s Book Day

International Day for Street Children 

International Day of Human Space Flight


International Day for Monuments and Sites

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