Managing to set up international salary structures that have a 
global reach but a local touch is fraught with difficulties! The idea behind it is to ensure consistency and avoid discrimination, control costs and, along with performance management techniques, allow managers to differentiate between the performance of individuals around the world who are at different levels or hold different positions within the organisation. However, even with a global grading scheme, each country is a different market, with different expectations and, therefore, you need to design a pay system that encompasses the differences of each…
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If nothing else, the credit crunch, the natural disasters of Cuba, 
Pakistan and New Zealand, and the continuing tragedy unfolding in Japan have brought home to us all that we can no longer be ‘islands’ of nations any longer. We need the support of, and give support to, a proactive international community that pulls its resources for the betterment of all.
So, if you have a child under 18, how important do you think it is that s/he should be encouraged to think globally and think of themselves as a global citizen? A recent UK survey highlights that around three-quarters of parents believe that schools should help their children think globally (71%) and to develop abilities to be responsible global citizens (72%). It also demonstrates that the teaching of global issues is important to parents…
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How about getting involved with International 
Conflict Resolution Day? In 2011, it will fall on Thursday, October 20th. One of the easiest ways you can help spread awareness is to let others know what is happening in your area on or around Conflict Resolution Day. What kind of special activities are planned? Will you personally be doing something to honour the day? Can you sing conflict resolution-related songs? Want to read a poem for the world to hear? Phone it in! In celebration of CR Day, there’s a fun set of online games with conflict resolution content appropriate for different age levels. Fun and educational too.