People in the Far East are NOT casual so be very respectful
of their way of dressing; if you do not conform they will think you are being disrespectful. The Chinese have seven layers of wrapping presents, so wrapping YOU should be equally important- it’s all about FACE. The dominant feature of business practice is your Personal Network: based on duty, obligation and trust.
So far in this section you’ll find the Top Ten Tips for doing business in five countries of East Asia, along with opening times, holiday dates and festivities. These are: China, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, and Myanmar (Burma).
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Russia: a vast country crossing eleven time zones, peopled by many 
ethnic groups, with its culture deeply rooted in traditions from the East and West. Russians have an egalitarian work ethic and are suspicious of those who ‘make good’. There is a general distrust of authority after years of autocratic rule. Many things are still in short supply but can be obtained on the black market. People still talk about the intelligentsia, and visits to the opera and ballet are common in all walks of life.
So far in this section you’ll find the Top Ten Tips for doing business in Russia, along with opening times, holiday dates and festivities.
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The United States and Canada are two very different countries. 
However, they both value independence and action, and they are geared to highly-paced change. Achievement of personal goals, wealth and prestige are driving factors for them both. Canadians, however, are much more interested in substance and facts, and are serious of content and purpose. This is the French influence on them. Canadians view themselves as the ‘younger brother’ to the USA, but do NOT want to be mistaken for Americans. Canada is very multicultural with the immigrant population seeing themselves as Canadians first.
So far in this section you’ll find the Top Ten Tips for doing business in the US and Canada, along with opening times, holiday dates and festivities.
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Australia and New Zealand follow western business practices, 
place heavy emphasis on individuality and adhere to the ‘norms’ of British business. People speak of Australia as being very ‘out going’ and relaxed, whilst New Zealand is seen as being rather like Britain was twenty years ago. Few Aussies/New Zealanders people speak any other language than English though there is a large East Asian immigrant community in Australia.In terms of language, aA very distinct accent and slang has developed ‘down under’ which can be difficult for non-native speakers of English, used to American T.V., to understand. Best times to visit on business are February to May or October to November.
In this section you’ll find the Top Ten Tips for doing business, along with opening times, holiday dates and festivities for Australia and New Zealand
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