Turkish girls are demanding more autonomy from their parents citing they want to choose their own friends and how they spend their free time. It seems that nowadays these young woman will accept less interference about their lives and are striving for more independence. They are also becoming more vocal in their choice of careers.
It seems a small revolution is quietly taking place in Turkey among young women and their parents. Girls are becoming more self-confident and well integrated and will defend their points of view to their parents, becoming more outspoken than any generation before them.
A study by the University of Würzburg has disproved the sterotypical image that Germans have about Turkish girls which sees Turkish girls obediently doing what their parents tell them to do and eagerly awaiting to play their role as stay-at-home moms. Girls, it appears, are being more pushy than the boys. The Würzburg study outlines the image of a young and self-confident generation of Turkish girls who have a very clear concept of what they want to do in their spare time and how they plan their future.
The study was performed on the basis of interviews with 400 girls and 430 boys of Turkish origin by Prof. Dr. Heinz Reinders between 2005-8, with the results just published.