The world is thirsty because it is hungry!

World Water Day 2012
This is the slogan for World Water Day 2012. According to “it takes one thousand times more water to feed the human population than it does to satisfy its thirst.” This year’s theme is water and food security. Watch this clip to find out how many liters it takes to produce one kilo of beef…
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Today I’d really like you to spend a few minutes to think about your use – 
or most probably wastage – of water. Annually, the United Nations designates this day as World Water Day as an opportunity for the world to think about the Environment and our impact upon the natural world. Interestingly for me, last year’s theme was water and culture which drew attention to the fact that “there are as many ways of viewing, using, and celebrating water as there are cultural traditions around the world.” This year’s theme is “Clean Water for a Healthy World” – the overall goal is to raise the profile of water quality at the political level so that water quality considerations are made alongside those of water quantity. It is still a reality that an estimated 1.1 billion people rely on unsafe drinking-water sources.
So, today, instead of drinking your tea or coffee, raise a glass of water and celebrate how lucky we are to be able to drink good, clean and healthy water.