Intercultural Conflict Conference, 19th February 2011, London.
Deborah Swallow | January 21st, 2011 in : General

on the subject of Conflict Resolution in Diverse Scenarios. With senior mediators, Ranse Howell of CEDR and Susanne Schuler from TEAMEDIATION.
Intercultural conflict – finding what works around the world.From the Harvard Concept and NLP to the Thomas Kilmann Model, the latest tools and methods will be explored for dealing with teams and people in conflict, in business, across borders and in diversity. Whether you are a practitioner, trainer, academic or student, there is something here for you.
9.30 AM, 19th February 2011, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 12 Bloomsbury Square, London, WC1A 2LP, UK.
Cocktails, Sponsored by SIETAR FRANCE, Social Dinner in Holborn
Please join us and hear from leading cultural and mediation experts on the subject of Conflict Resolution in Diverse Scenarios. With senior mediators, Ranse Howell of CEDR and Susanne Schuler from TEAMEDIATION.
Book now – £70 for members, £90 for non–members (includes lunch) and £35 students (lunch not included.)
Complimentary cocktails generously provided by SIETAR FRANCE.
SIETAR UK Membership Special Offer – £25 for the half–year (until July 2011)
Intercultural conflict – finding what works around the world.
From the Harvard Concept and NLP to the Thomas Kilmann Model, the latest tools and methods will be explored for dealing with teams and people in conflict, in business, across borders and in diversitzy.
You – if you are a trainer / facilitator, life coach, diversity specialist, HR professional, executive coach, teacher or humanitarian, then you will want to come along to this important SIETAR UK Business of Culture event.
Benefit – you will meet people with issues and solutions that are likely to bring direct value to your job and private life. You will learn how to apply resolution tools to bring harmony to conflict situations. You will practice methods that prevent the escalation of disputes.
Two streams – In Lille we discovered that many interculturalists were new to the subject of negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution. For you we have:
The Introductory Group: You will begin by raising your self-awareness around tolerance, your conflict style and the language of conflict and its resolution. This will be an open learning forum that includes practical interactive sessions around handling conflict.
Some of you will have had commercial or training experience of conflict, negotiation and handling teams in dispute. For you we have:
The Advanced Conflict-Handling Group: You will experience an open learning forum where you will decide the learning path and your outcomes. You will experience hands-on training, group discussion and be given practical take-aways to use in your jobs and lives.
9AM – 9.30 Registration
9.45 Introduction
10.00 Plenary Session
11.00 Coffee and Networking
11.20- 12.30 Open Learning Groups
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Open Learning Groups (including tea break)
16.45 Concluding Remarks
17.00 Cocktails – SIETAR FRANCE
18.30 Restaurant – Social Dinner, Holborn
Reserve your place, TODAY! – We ask you to send a confirmation e mail to stating your name, how you will pay and how many places you require.
Signing up and paying
Post a cheque made payable to “SIETAR UK” to SIETAR UK, c/o Coghill Beery, 44 Kensington Square, London W8 5HP. Please write “BOC” on the back.
Or make a transfer to:
Acc name: SIETAR UK
Barclays, 37 Milsom St Bath BA1 1DA. Tel: 01225 494000
Acc number: 90243507
Sort Code: 20-05-06
IBAN: GB42 BARC20050690243507
Swiftbic: BARCGB22
Use your name and “BOC” in the transfer title.
Ranse Howell
Ranse is an accredited mediator and a senior dispute and negotiation course developer and facilitator for CEDR, The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution in London. He has been with CEDR since 2006.
Ranse has designed and developed conflict management programmes for clients including Lloyd’s of London, Bristol Myers Squibb, VT Group, The Arts Council, University of Birmingham, NHS and the Department for Transport and has worked in the UK and US.
His work concentrates on enhancing negotiation skills and practices and includes dealing with emotion, identifying needs and interests and effective communication.
While at CEDR, Ranse has written: Emotional Intelligence and Projects, N. Clarke and R. Howell, PMI Press, 2010, “Prepared for Conflict”, The Growing Business Handbook, Kogan Press 2009; “We Came, We Trained”, Rethinking Negotiation Teaching, DRI Press, 2009.
Ranse has lectured on Mediation and enhanced ADR processes at Pepperdine University (London), City University of New York (School of Law), Canterbury Christ Church (Law Department), University of Southampton (School of Business) University of Birmingham and Cardiff University.
Ranse received his legal training (JD) from the City of New York School of Law and worked in a boutique law firm that specialised in advocating for educational services for disabled children. He continued his legal education in the US, receiving his LLM (International Dispute Resolution) from the Straus Institute at Pepperdine University, Malibu. Ranse also holds a BFA and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from Temple University, Philadelphia, USA and is a trained counsellor.
Susanne Schuler, Senior Partner at Teamediation
Susanne is an experienced conflict manager, mediator and intercultural coach.
She has more than 10 years business experience in general leadership, sales, public relations activities, and running business seminars, working with clients such as VW, Johnson Controls, BASF, Novartis, Roche, IKEA, Unilever, UBS, Ernst & Young, ABB and others.
Certified in 2003 at the EMB (Europäisches Mediatoren-und Beraterinstitut), Susanne is a highly experienced intercultural mediator and facilitator for individual and organisational conflicts.
She provides customised conflict resolution, coaching, facilitation, cross cultural communication and global diversity training to international companies mainly in Switzerland, UK, Germany and France.
Born in Namibia, Susanne holds a BA Honours degree in law from the University of Regensburg, Germany and the University of Málaga, Spain, a BA Honours degree and an MA in Linguistics from the University of Saarbrücken, Germany and Brussels, Belgium.
Susanne has lived, studied and worked in Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Namibia and the Americas.
Susanne speaks German, English, Spanish, French and is proficient in Portuguese. Susanne is currently based in Basle, Switzerland.
We look forward to seeing you there,
Matthew Hill
07813 760 711
Posted via email from The World At Work