UN World TV Day; November 21st
Deborah Swallow | November 21st, 2011 in : days of significance, General
Have you ever thought about how
television and cultural diversity are closely related? It’s time to think -Today is World Television Day
Television is one of the most powerful communications media in today’s world and brings into people’s living rooms the everyday reality of other’s lives: be it major issues facing mankind, new fashion trends of American youth or the impact of a tsunami in the Philippines. Television is universal; meaning that, at the very least, television tells us what’s going on in the world as news stations broadcast important alerts about world affairs and conflicts.
But more than that, television helps us learn quickly about different cultures and places that we could not normally travel to, giving us the opportunity to ‘experience’ what life is like as we engage with someone else’s story. Television links countries together via our TV screens. If used properly it can ‘promote mutual understanding and tolerance‘. That is why the UN General Assembly decided to proclaim 21 November as World Television Day – recognising the increasing impact television has on decision-making by alerting world attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic and social issues.
On 21 and 22 November 1996 the United Nations held the first World Television Forum, where leading media figures met under the auspices of the United Nations to discuss the growing significance of television in today’s changing world and to consider how they might enhance their mutual cooperation. That is why the General Assembly decided to proclaim 21 November as World Television Day – to commemorate the date on which the first World Television Forum was held. To keep tabs about what is happening on the day, visit the World Television Day website.

Tags: World Television Day