Call for Solidarity on Tibetan New Year: 22nd February
Deborah Swallow | February 22nd, 2012 in : General
After huge unrest and a massive security clamp down,
Tibetan New Year will not be its usual festive self. Tibet’s exiled government has called on Tibetans not to celebrate their new year which begins on Wednesday after Chinese authorities have implemented what some experts say are unprecedented measures of control on vast swathes of ethnically Tibetan regions, following a wave of self-immolations by Buddhist monks and nuns. See statement by Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay on YouTube.
The Tibetan New year, also known as Losar, is the most important festival in the Tibetan calendar. It is normally celebrated over a period of 2 weeks and marked with ancient ceremonies that represents the struggle between good and evil, by chanting, and by passing fire torches through the crowds. This year, the exiled Government has asked that Tibetans observe instead traditional and spiritual rituals for those who have died.