World Telecommunications and Information Society Day – May 17th
guest | May 17th, 2012 in : days of significance, General
In 2005, in Tunis, the United Nations hosted a conference, which aimed to bridge the ‘digital divide’ that separates rich and poor countries. This conference was called the World Summit on the Information Society. Following from this conference May 17thwas proclaimed as the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day.

Women and Girls in IT
The main aim of this day is to raise awareness of changes brought about by technology, specifically the Internet.
This year’s theme for Information Society Day is Women and Girls in Information and Communication Technology… The International Telecommunications Union says on their website, that “ICTs are tools that can help accelerate progress towards achieving (gender equality), and it is for this reason that ITU Council proposed that we focus our efforts this year on women and girls, using the power of ICTs to provide new digital opportunities to end discrimination and empower the female half of the world’s population to achieve their rightful place as equals in the world.”
Read more about the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day and the work of the International Telecommunications Union here.
Also in May:
World No-Tobacco Day – May 31st
International Day for UN Peacekeepers – May 29th
The Day of Cyrillic Alphabet – May 24th
International Day for Biological Diversity – May 22nd
Cultural Diversity Day – May 21st
Cultural Diversity Day: A Special ‘Hello!’
World Day Against Homophobia – May 17th
Mastering the Art of Cheek Kissing
International Day of Families – May 15th
World Fair Trade Day – May 12th
Red Cross Crescent Day – May 8th
World Press Freedom Day – May 3rd

Tags: information societ, telecommunications, women and girls in IT