Today’s date marks the birthday of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross, and the recipient of the world’s first Nobel Price. Today, May 8th, is the World Red Cross Crescent Day, and days from May 6th to 12th mark an annual Red Cross week.
Today, Red Cross has approximately 97 million volunteers, members, and staff members world wide. National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies exist in nearly every country in the world…
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In 2000, World First Aid day was introduced by The International 
Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). It was brought into being to raise awareness of how first aid can save lives in everyday and emergency situations. Events and ceremonies are organised each year on the second Saturday of September.
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The 3oth August each year offers the world community the 
opportunity to remember the victims of enforced disappearance. The day aims to draw our attention to the plight of those who have been imprisoned without their friends or relatives knowing where or why; the agonising of their families; and also to highlight the work of those organisations who campaign against secret imprisonment and work to support the ‘disappeared’ and their families. The International Coalition Against Enforced Disappearances has instigated this date as a commemorative day in a bid to bring about the effective implementation of an international convention to protect the ‘disappeared’. Watch the movingly illustrative video…
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